Places to Share Content to Grow Traffic

If you’re just starting your blogging journey, you might be asking how do I get more traffic? You have all this great content, but your analytics is reporting low!

You’re clearly frustrated that all your work is not getting noticed, but growing your traffic should be one of your main goals.

The most important part of growing your traffic begins after you hit publish.

Yes, you have to write the content and take photos and take care of administrative tasks for website maintenance. Blogging can be hard, but pressing publish shouldn’t be the end of your work. You have to work on growing your traffic, too!

This post is meant to be a bookmark for myself to return to this list when I am ready to hit publish next. Do I use it all the time? Not always! I often forget

If you’re asking how to grow your traffic right now, then continue reading. I’ve put together a list of websites where you can share you content. The following is a list of several websites you can share your content to and, hopefully, you can gain some traffic back to your website.

Free places where you can share your blog posts and grow your traffic

Google Search Console

1. Google Search Console

If you only pick one of these places to promote your blog, pick this one. When you publish a post, you’re going to have to wait until Google indexes your URL.

If you don’t want to wait, then you can submit your URL to Google within the search console tool. You are telling Google that your post is live and that it should be crawled. It’s so convenient!

You can learn more about Google Search Console here.


2. Quora

You can use Quora to promote your posts. You can promote by answering questions from other users. Find a question where you can give an expert answer!

If you have a post that is related to the topic discussion, add a link to it in your answer. Everyone will benefit. Just don’t be spammy with your post. If your answer is helpful, you can receive an up vote from other users. This will help you establish authority on your account. Be strategic and stay on topic for your brand.

You can showcase your expertise on Quora. You’ll be putting your website in front of others who may find the information relevant. Again, focus on providing comment that supports the discussion at hand and avoid blatant promotion (spammy).


3. Reddit

Reddit is the front page of the internet. It is one of the most active communities on the Internet and has the potential to bring thousands of visitors a day to your website

There are subreddits for almost every possible subject. Whatever your blog niche is, you’ll be able to find it on Reddit. Be engaging with other users and find ways to promote your content without being spammy.


4. Bloglovin’

Bloglovin’ allows its users to search blogs by category. It suggests similar blogs to the ones their users are already following. It helps new blog readers find your website which is an easy way for you to get your content out to more people without you having to do any ongoing promotion.

Bloglovin’ uses your blog’s RSS feed so each time you publish a new piece of content, Bloglovin’ automatically distributes it to your followers. After creating an account, you will need to claim your blog in order to get the RSS feed setup.


5. LinkedIn Articles

It costs money to keep a company blog up and running. It also costs money to run ads and sponsored content through LinkedIn, but it’s completely free to publish LinkedIn articles!

While LinkedIn is definitely more geared toward business marketing, there has been a rise in the influencer space. People are writing about corporate burnout from a younger demographic and reaching new audiences.

LinkedIn Creator hub

LinkedIn even has creator tools now, so it’s easy to keep up with your connections!

Facebook Groups

6. Facebook Groups

A lot of blogging groups on Facebook allow members to post questions or ask for feedback about their blog. And I also pay attention to what other people are asking too. It’s an easy way to boost your blogging knowledge without having to spend hours scouring the internet looking for answers.

You can read my full list of which Facebook groups for bloggers and influencers to join.


7. Medium

Medium is a great place to share your wisdom and insights. I was using it when I worked at an agency by writing for my employers, then publishing those articles on Medium’s platform.

The more interesting your articles, the more exposure your brand can get – which can result in more website traffic. Medium is a great place to share content.


8. Digg

Digg delivers the most interesting and talked about stories on the internet. It’s been around since 2004. Digg uses their own proprietary data sources (and an editorial team) to curate stories across the internet.

I have not used Digg in a long time, but anyone can “digg” or up vote a story for relevancy.

Free places where you can share your blog posts and grow your traffic

All of the resources above I have provided above give you an opportunity to grow your blog traffic. It’s a lot of work, but it’s completely free.

Depending on your niche, some of the above platforms may work better than the others. Therefore, you will need to explore each platform and see how much the specific platform contributes to your efforts in growing your blog.

Have you tried any other platforms to grow your blog traffic? Let me know in the comments below!


Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

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